At PAESE, we always combine beautiful makeup with skincare, which is why we have devoted over four years of research and testing to create an innovative Nanorevit line for you. Nanorevit is the first makeup line on the market with such valuable care and protective properties, enriched with a super ingredient: closed in a nanostructure blackcurrant seed oil. Blackcurrant oil has a high content of EFAs, omega-3, antioxidants, and vitamins. Thanks to our innovative and patented formula, it penetrates deep layers of the skin, nourishing, moisturising, and regenerating it for a long time.
The effects of the Nanorevit line products have been confirmed by tests carried out by an independent laboratory.
The Nanorevit line has been inspired by nature. We obtain blackcurrant oil in an ecological process of extraction at low temperature, which allows obtaining exceptionally pure oil while maintaining its valuable properties.
Blackcurrant seed oil:
intensively moisturises
nourishes along with omega-3 fatty acids
deeply regenerates
rich in antioxidants that effectively delay the aging process and protect the skin from the harmful effects of external factors
reduces facial redness
has a protective and soothing effect and is therefore safe for problematic skin
The firstline of colourcosmetics on themarketwithsuch advanced and unprecedented
skin careproperties.
•The firstcosmetic line withsuch efficient anti-aging and anti-inflammatoryactivities.
•The firstcolourcosmetics withsuch highlyeffectiveskin perfectioning properties.
Nanorevit Line possesses allnecessarycertificationconfirming howitimprovesthe
condition ofthe skin.
•According to the opinion on innovation issued by the independent Institute of Industrial
Chemistry,itcan be stated thatthe technological solutionsand productformulas as wellas
thearea of their application are innovativeboth, on the Polishand global markets.

How did we do it?
We used blackcurrant pomace from juice production.
Dried seeds went to the Institute of New Chemical Syntheses in Puławy, where they underwent the extraction process, which uses a technology created together with the Cracow University of Technology.
This innovative method of extraction protects the oil from the negative effects of oxidation. Thanks to this, we receive the oil in its purest form, preserving all its natural properties.
The oil obtained in this way is subjected to ultrasound, which disrupts it into nanoparticles.
We then put them in our products so that your skin can enjoy them every day.